The Dialogue Tag

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Is Peru’s Democracy at Risk?

The Dialogue organizes an online discussion addressing the political instability in Peru, with a focus on the erosion of democratic norms and the deepening political crisis under President Dina Boluarte. The event will explore the potential for democratic renewal or backsliding in Peru

The Pulse of Democracy in the Americas: Results from the 2023 AmericasBarometer

November 29, 2023 | 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM EST | In-Person   Every two years, LAPOP Lab at Vanderbilt University presents the AmericasBarometer, a comprehensive regional public opinion survey that measures citizen assessment towards democratic governance, support for democratic principles and institutions, and perceptions...

Wall Street’s Influence on Democracy in Latin America

 February 6, 2024 | 10:00 AM| Virtual Ricardo Hausmann from Harvard University sparked a heated debate in 2017 on the role of Wall Street in financing wannabe autocrats by calling Venezuela’s government debt “The Hunger Bonds.” Drawing from an analogy between investing in environmentally harmful...

Perspectives on Remittances in 2024

February 16, 2024 | 12:30 PM | Virtual Remittances to the Latin America and Caribbean region in 2023 were over US$160 billion, five percent of the region’s income as part of continued growth. Recent data shows that a competitive and diverse number of money transfer...

Is Peru’s Democracy at Risk?

The Dialogue organizes an online discussion addressing the political instability in Peru, with a focus on the erosion of democratic norms and the deepening political crisis under President Dina Boluarte. The event will explore the potential for democratic renewal or backsliding in Peru