
SRH curated events can be found here.
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Cybersecurity and Health Course (SPANISH) – Último día para aplicar

    Este curso permitirá a los participantes comprender las amenazas cibernéticas en el sector de la salud, analizar el uso de marcos para construir y evaluar un programa de defensa cibernética, y formular una estrategia para la defensa contra los ataques cibernéticos. Orientado a...

Cyberthreat Intelligence and Analysis Courses – Deadline to Apply

  This course is designed for Cybersecurity students, analysts, incident responders, investigators and other entities throughout public and private organizations. They will be able apply to the knowledge, skills and competencies achieved during the course immediately within their organizations and or studies.  The Sectors that...

Artificial Intelligence and Governance Course – Deadline to Apply

            In this virtual course, participants will have the opportunity to understand how AI is becoming an important component in the provision of services at all levels of government, with important implications for policy and decision-makers. Participants will explore some...

Cybersecurity and Leadership Strategy Course – Deadline to Enroll

In this virtual course, jointly organized with the Organization of American States (OAS), participants will engage with academics, industry leaders, and cybersecurity experts in assessing the most critical cyber threats facing the public and private sectors in the 21st century. Participants will be exposed to...

12th NMIOTC Annual Conference 2021

In this conference, participants will get to discuss issues and share insight of the international community on how technological innovations impacts maritime security. This conference is available in an in-person and virtual format. To learn more about the topics that will be discussed, click here. Tuesday,...