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Is Fake News Destroying Democracy in Latin America?

December 6, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 1:20 pm

Is Fake News Destroying Democracy in Latin America?

Dec. 6, 2022 (12:00PM to 1:20PM) | David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Online

This event is virtual, to register click here. If you would like join us in watching the virtual panel in room S216, register here.

Speakers: Jane Esberg, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania; Felipe Nunes, Director of Quaest and Professor of Political Science, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; José Felipe Sarmiento Abella, Colombia Check
Moderated by: Alisha Holland, Associate Professor of Government Department, Harvard University

Jane Esberg is an Assistant Professor of Political Science. Her research focuses on authoritarian repression and censorship, particularly in Latin America. Prior to joining Penn, she was a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton’s Empirical Studies of Conflict Project and the International Crisis Group. Jane’s research has appeared in The American Political Science Review, The Journal of Politics, and Comparative Political Studies, among others. She completed her PhD at Stanford University.

Felipe Nunes Dos Santos e Professor de ciência política na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), diretor do Centro de Estudos Legislativos (CEL-UFMG) e do Centro Internacional de Gestão Pública e Desenvolvimento. É fundador da Quaest Pesquisa e Consultoria e faz consultorias de comunicação estratégica na área política. Recebeu seu Ph.D. em Ciência Política em 2015 e o mestrado em estatística em 2013, ambos pela Universidade da California em Los Angeles (UCLA). Já trabalhou como estrategista político em diversas campanhas eleitorais no Brasil. Tem diversos artigos e capítulos publicados sobre o funcionamento do sistema político brasileiro, eleições e campanhas. Recebeu em 2013 o prêmio de melhor trabalho apresentado no Meeting de Political Methoolody da APSA, e em 2014 o Swarr Prize para melhor tese de doutorado apresentada no departamento de Ciência Política da UCLA.

José Felipe Sarmiento Abella is a fact-checking journalist for Colombiacheck since 2018. Until 2017, he  worked for El Tiempo as reporter in Manizales.

Alisha Holland is an Associate Professor (untenured) in the Government Department at Harvard University. Before joining the Harvard faculty, she was an Assistant Professor in the Politics Department at Princeton University and a Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows. She studies the comparative political economy of development with a focus on urban politics, social policy, and Latin America. Her book, Forbearance as Redistribution: The Politics of Informal Welfare in Latin America (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics), looks at the politics of enforcement against property law violations by the poor, such as squatting, street vending, and electricity theft. Her current book project focuses on the politics of large infrastructure projects in Latin America. Her other research interests include law, migration, crime control, and subnational governance. Her articles have appeared in the American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, Comparative Political Studies, International Organization, Latin American Research Review, Perspectives on Politics, and World Politics. Holland hold an AB from Princeton University (2007) and a PhD from Harvard University (2014).


December 6, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:20 pm
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